Fit4-Physio and Beyond…..Events services

Fit4 Physio Sheffield

When we’re not running, cycling or swimming, here at Fit4-Physio we often find ourselves working at events and races. We help those taking part to prepare, perform and recover. We brave the elements to go the extra mile so that you can save your energy for when you need it the most.

I was given a job as physiotherapist for the Haute Route – a 21 day Cyclosportive in the Dolomites, Alps and Pyrenees. Funnily enough, I wasn’t the only one who thought it sounded like a good opportunity and I found myself up against some stiff competition. Eventually three physiotherapists were selected to each provide a weeks support to the event, including me!

I was assigned the Dolomites and Swiss Alps leg from Venice to Geneva which included the famous Stelvio Pass. The race offered amateur riders the opportunity to ‘ride like a pro’ for 800 km, up (and down) 20,000m of 20 legendary cols. Was it it any wonder these guys (and girls) were going to need physio? I was no stranger to events like this, having previously worked on the Dallaglio Cycle Slam, so I was prepared for a week of hard work. I wasn’t however prepared for the worst week of weather the Alps has seen in many years. The week started in a bright sunshine but quickly deteriorated into pouring rain and almost zero degrees at the summits of some of the cols. This made for demanding riding conditions for the riders and great fun trying to set up a treatment area protected from the elements! Having physiotherapy on hand for the riders ensured those with existing medical conditions could keep any niggles at bay and those feeling tired could enjoy a massage to make sure they were fit to ride the next days stage. When I wasn’t mobilising, massaging or manipulating I was busy putting up tents, taking down tents, handing out energy bars, making energy drinks and cheering. The week finished in Geneva having passed through some of the most beautiful scenery in Italy and Switzerland and I was able to return home with my toblerone happy but exhausted……..

Fancy a challenge for 2015 – check out the Haute Route

This year I have also worked at the Sainsbury’s School Games in Manchester. The School Games provide young athletes from across the UK to come together and compete in a multi-sport competition providing them with the opportunity to compete and live in an environment which will prepare some of them for a future in elite sport. I was lucky enough to work at the Athletics and the Volley Ball potentially witnessing some of the potential athletes for Rio – Team GB in action.

This weekend saw 25,000 runners take part in the world famous Great south Run, the last in the annual BUPA run series at Portsmouth. The fast and flat 10 miles takes in Portsmouth Historic sites whilst allowing the thousands of runners the opportunity for a personal best. Once again though it wasn’t my turn to put on my running trainers but instead to take up my position in the Physio tent offering runners pre or post physio assessment and advice or massage. A big well done to all those who took part, hope to see you again next year!

If you’ve been inspired by our adventures, why not get booking your next challenge? Alternatively if you’re planning an event and looking for experienced physiotherapy support – look no further. We believe that good physiotherapy and recovery services can make all the difference to how athletes perform and enjoy an event. At Fit4 both Charlie and Rich are fully qualified in Sports Trauma Management (Lubas Medical) and have over 20 years physiotherapy experience between them. Let us do the hard work so you don’t have to!

Contact us on or give us a ring on 07938 680320 to see how we can make your event a success!

For details on how Fit4-Physio can support an event you are organising please contact us on 07938 680320