Fit4-Physio Success Story

sheffield physiotherapy

# Testimonial Tuesday – Kristy Garrod

Every week this month we’ve been catching up with a member of the Fit4-Physio community to hear how we’ve made a difference. This week we catch up with Kristy Garrod as she tells us how Charlie has helped her on the road to recovery after rupturing her ACL.

What was your situation like before we started working together?

“I may have a full time job but if someone asked me to describe what I do with my life I would tell them that I run. Not as an elite athlete and not for competition or for time but just for the absolute joy of it. And so from a background of doing something most days, be that running, biking or walking, I pitched up to see Charlie limping, sore and stressed knowing I’d torn my anterior cruciate ligament and wondering if I would be able to run again this year and possibly ever”

What reservation (if any) did you have about working with us before?

“I’ve been a patient with the team before when they helped me out with a grumbling Achilles tendon and so I knew about the set up and the ethos of Fit4Physio. Prior to seeking help from the team last time I worried that I wasn’t ‘enough’ of an athlete for F4P to take me seriously and that I wouldn’t be able to communicate how important running was to me and the grief process that I was going through by not being able to put on my trainers and just run.”

“I worked with Rich last time and my worries could not of been further from my experience but I hadn’t worked with Charlie before and so I guess I had some of the same reservations this time but to a lesser degree.”

What has the process of working with us been like?

“Simply, Charlie has been my lifeline. Not only has she helped me back to my first tentative running steps 5 weeks after my injury, she’s also saved my sanity (and quite possibly my marriage (grumpy non-running wife))”

“Rehab is a plan that is individual to me, my goals, my needs, both physical and psychological and it’s delivered (via a post session email – brilliant!) with positivity, enthusiasm and with a big ‘I get it’. Being treated by someone who loves sport equally and who understands what it is like to be injured is invaluable.”

“The F4P set-up is perfect. I don’t feel like a patient, I feel like I’ve pitched up for a coaching/training session with someone who’s helping to put me back together, make me stronger, treat new injury related niggles and pick me up on the invariable down days of injury rehab.”

What is the one best result you have got from working with us?

“It’s early days but I’m running!”

“It’s hard not to adopt the ‘can do’ approach as a consequence of working with Charlie. She made me believe from day 1 that with hard work and commitment I would be able to overcome my injury and find may way back to my trainers and the sport I love. Once I was on board with that, all else naturally followed, with Charlie by my side and encouraging me every step of the way”

To find out how Fit4-Physio can help you on the road to recovery call Charlie today on 07938 680320 or email